Meet Sheila

I am a cradle Catholic called to discipleship. Each new day, by the grace of God, I experience being a woman of peace in my heart, home, family, relationships, community, workplace and the world.

In the early 70's when I was twenty-something, I wrote a passage in the back of Thomas Merton's book, New Seeds of Contemplation, that reflects an important decision I made.  It may sound a bit strange, but I love it in its original form and here's what it said:

  • "The problem, if any, seems to have been one of faith, or no faith--either as taught when young--the Christian way of life. Now I truly believe that is the way for me...; the other--faith in man's own creativity and man's own doing, man's own rationale--ability to handle everything--humanism. I've gone back and forth many times and maybe many more times, but this time I truly understand which one is the "real" me..."

Certainly reflective of the interior struggle to find myself as a young adult, well over forty years later, I remain, with the help of God, on the spiritual journey of obeying His will and following the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.

My primary vocation is wife and mother and I've been married to my wonderful spirit-filled husband, Charles, for 45 years. We celebrate the life of our children, Jacqueline & Eli and granddaughter, Ami,  who reside in Nevada City, California, and Joseph & Stacey, and grandchildren, Benjamin and Penelope, who reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Our cup runneth over with the goodness of God's mercy and love and we cry out like the psalmist, "How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good he has done for me?" Ps 116: 12

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