Thursday, July 7, 2011

Holy Abandonment

Abandonment is a most excellent way of finding peace and happiness. That is desiring God's will and whatever He wills. To understand this better consider marriage vows that two people make. "I will love you for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Circumstances arise in our lives that can be uncontrollable. Like when a loved one is diagnosed with a disease, suffers, and may even die. Or when someone loses their job due to recession or corporate downsizing. Abandonment means whatever happens--even when things seem to go "wrong"--we receive as God's will, understanding He allows such things to happen to sanctify us.

In the book, Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence, Father J. P. de Caussade, S.J. wrote, "To all there is but one answer--that the will of God is the only thing necessary; therefore, what it does not grant must be useless."

St. Teresa of Avila said, "In this holy abandonment springs up that beautiful freedom of spirit which the perfect possess, and in which there is found all the happiness that can be desired in this life; for in fearing nothing, and seeking and desiring nothing of all things of the world, they possess all."


  1. Oh yes, the will of God is the most important. I've found if I focus on that one thing, the rest of life fits into place. I find joy in totally abandoning myself to God. A great post and I love the two quotes.


  2. I have this book too, Sheila, and have gotten a lot out of it. I love the quote by St. Teresa! I don't think I've seen this one before. Excellent post on abandonment to the Divine Will. God bless!

  3. Thank you, Pamela and Mary!
    Abundant blessings to both of you, and
    may the graces of holy abandonment
    be with you each new day!
